General Info Archive
No one wants to find mice in their home, especially not in the kitchen or worse the stove. In this article, I’m looking at where exactly do mice hide in stoves, how are they getting there, and how to get rid of them. Where Do Mice Hide
So, you can hear scratching and foraging noises in your walls and you’re starting to wonder if you have mice living in there, right? What do mice in walls sound like? These two videos are from people who had mice in their walls, and they captured some
Want to see pictures of baby mice? Maybe you think you’ve found a baby mouse and want to identify it. Or maybe you just want to look at cute pics of baby mice – either way, you’ve come to the right page. Mice grow up so fast
Do mice and hamsters get along and can they coexist in the same cage? – No, absolutely not! If you’re planning on cutting corners and trying to house hamsters and mice in the same cage or tank then stop right now. Don’t do it. Mice and hamsters
Do mice burrow in mattresses? Is this something you should be concerned about, or have you had a problem with mice chewing their way into your mattress? There are few things more annoying than having mice coming into your bedroom while you sleep, or climbing on your
Can mice get in through air vents and into your home this way? How dangerous are mice droppings in heater intakes, HVAC ducts, and air vents, and what is the best way to clean them out? A lot of these answers really comes down to the type and
Can mice get in through upstairs windows? Are you concerned about mice getting into your bedroom at night? If you have issues with mice getting into your home one of the first things you need to do is figure out how they’re getting in and seal off
Lab blocks are specially formulated foods fed to mice and rats in laboratories as a quick, easy, and cost-effective way to keep them fed. I also know some breeders that use lab blocks. They use them for the same reason, it’s a quick and easy way to
Can mice eat bell peppers if you have some spare when you’re preparing food? Yes, there are no risks with them eating peppers, and you’ll probably find the love it. Do not give them the seeds however, these are bad for mice. I’m not sure which colour
If you’ve found some damage to your clothes and it looks like some sort of little critter has been chewing on the fabrics you might point your finger at mice. But, do mice eat clothes? Or at the very least chew on and damage clothing? They can