Do Mice Dig Holes?

Mice do dig holes, yes. They burrow into the ground to hide, keep warm, and safe. If you’ve seen mice in your yard or home, there is a good chance they’re hiding out in your lawn somewhere.
If they’re in your home, it’s more likely they’ve worked their way into a wall or a pile of clothes, papers, etc and made a nest.
Here’s everything you need to know about how mice dig holes, burrow, and find safe places to nest in and around your home:
Do Mice Dig Holes in the Ground?
Yes, mice do dig holes in the ground. That’s where they sleep and hideout for the most part. Unless they find somewhere better, that is (like inside a nice warm house).
They have very sharp claws and are able to burrow into most soil materials. They will typically only burrow down a few centimeters deep, and will usually have a couple of tunnels in their underground network.
This is because they will make a separate nesting area, much like they would above ground. They also create a separate area to store food underground too, pretty clever.
What Do Mice Holes Look Like?

If you have found some holes in your yard, it can be hard to determine exactly what animal has made them as so many look similar.
Different species of mice make different sizes and types of holes too.
Generally speaking, common wild mice like field mice and house mice make small holes – about 3-4 cm in diameter and will cover the entrance with leaves, sticks, and other available debris.
Some species, like the yellow-necked mouse and bank voles, are known to build much deeper, more complex burrows. They will often have more than one entrance too, so that could be a sign you have one of these species in your garden.
Another tip, mice will always set up a burrow or a nest near a food and water source.
Do Mice Burrow Under Houses?
Mice will burrow anywhere they feel it’s safe and provides some warmth. This often means burrowing under a house, as this also gives them access to food crumbs inside the home.
Obviously, it depends on what type of home you have and the available nesting spots. If you have a mice problem, however, one of the first things to do is check the parameter of your home for nesting spots.
If they can’t burrow a large enough hole to get under a structure, they’ll build a nest above ground.
Mice nests look like balls of shredded papers, twigs, leaves, and any other debris they can use to make a soft nest to safely sleep in.
If you’ve ever had pet mice you’ll know how quickly and efficiently they can make a nest from bedding materials.
It’s actually really cool to witness. They will pick up bits of paper, chew and shred it, and work it into a pile then push their way in.
In Summary
Mice do dig holes to burrow and nest. Outside, they’ll usually find a spot near some food and water if possible.
It’ll often be in dense vegetation, not in the open. Don’t forget, mice are tiny, so they can easily find a spot that’s hard for us to get to – which is why it’s rare to find a mouse hole.
Indoors, they’ll take advantage of whatever they can find. This usually means getting in amongst electrical wiring, insulation, old papers and boxes, and so on.
If you think you’ve got mice in and around your home and you want to lure them out, your best bet is peanut butter in a trap.
Mice love peanut butter (not cheese). If you lay some traps with peanut butter near any holes or nests you’ve found, you’ll soon find out if they belong to mice.
Related – Where do mice hide in stoves?
Image credits – Header image by Kapa65, in-body image by klickblick on Pixabay